Uses and Properties

The Acetyls Sector Group (ASG) covers acetic acid, vinyl acetate and acetic anhydride, which are used as intermediates for a wide range of applications, solvents to adhesives and water-based paints to cellulose acetate, pain-relieving pharmaceuticals, modified starches, emulsifiers, liquid crystal polymers and dyestuffs.

Issues and Regulations

REACH Implementation

Three REACH Consortia (acetic acid, acetic anhydride, vinyl acetate) were formed, through which the manufacturers have joined efforts to prepare by 30 November 2010 consistent registration dossiers covering VAM (vinyl acetate monomer), acetic acid and acetic anhydride. Consortium Management : ReachCentrum


Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 on drug precursors: ASG is committed to engage in a constructive dialogue with the relevant authorities to identify an appropriate solution that will prevent the misuse of acetic anhydride.

Specific Issues

  • The primary objective of ASG is to ensure that the classification and other HSE related regulations in the EU and beyond are based upon a full and balanced evaluation of the scientific evidence.


Dorothee Harre, Celanese


Sapounas Konstantinos
Sector Group Manager


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