Across industries – from health, hygiene, construction and mobility to agriculture and energy supply – chemicals are an essential ingredient, vital to a competitive business landscape. The role of the petrochemical industry is of course crucial. Petrochemicals provide the building blocks that drive innovation in low-carbon technologies and also products that enable emission reduction. For instance, Automotive grade urea (AdBlue®), a technology that can neutralize up to 90% of nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel engines, is specifically mentioned in Cefic’s sustainability report. The petrochemical industry has also significantly improved its own energy and resource efficiency as explained in the circular economy position paper of Petrochemicals Europe.
The publication of this report is not an end in itself but rather an opportunity to start a conversation with key stakeholders on how the European chemical industry can facilitate the transition to a more sustainable society.
For further information, please consult the sustainability report and the ChemistryCan website.