Waste Gas Chemical BREF
A new reference document (BREF), the Waste Gas Chemicals (WGC) one, is currently under preparation and Member States are preparing lists of the plants which will participate in the data collection. In parallel, Cefic is drawing its own list of plants willing to take part in it to avoid the nomination of exclusively the best sites in the respective Member States.
The Lower Olefins Sector Group (LOSG) members and Aromatics Producers Association (APA) Members agreed to participate widely in the data collection on diffuse emissions (and for aromatics plants, on aromatics furnaces). The LOSG and APA plants eager to take part in it will be included in the Cefic list.
BREFs aim at determining the best available techniques -and associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) that chemical sites must comply with under the Industrial Emissions Directive. The new BREF will cover all the emissions of the chemical industry except the ones that have already been addressed in the previous ones.