EEPC workshop and Webinar
On 15 January, the European Ethylene Producers Committee (EEPC) held a webinar on butadiene popcorn prevention in crackers and butadiene extraction plants. Up to 160 participants took part in the call. Mentimeter was used during the webinar to get active feedback from participants.
On 26-27 February, EEPC organized a Workshop on furnace asset management in Schiphol, the Netherlands. An enthusiastic team of about ten volunteers worked together for about a year to develop an interesting program (hyperlink). Topics addressed included:
- Furnace evolvement over the last 30 years
- Statistical analysis of furnace incidents.
- Norms and standards
- Coils, refractory and high temperature insulation
- Decoke piping and transfer line valves
- Burner maintenance
- Smart inspection
The last speaker forecasted how industry 4.9 and smart solutions might fundamentally change the way we run our units.
Despite a few last-minute cancellations from Italy due to COVID 19, due to travel restrictions, about 100 persons attended (including ten sponsors represented by two persons each).
Feedback on the workshop by participants was extremely positive.