
In this section, you will find a review of the market situation for ethylene, propylene and benzene, as well as an analysis of the competitiveness of the European petrochemicals industries.

Evolution of oil prices

Ethylene production, consumption and trade balance

The performances of Turkey in terms of capacity, production and consumption have been included since January 2015 in addition to EU 15 and Norway. The European crackers operated at 90% of nameplate capacity in 2018.

Ethylene: Nameplate Capacity, Production, Consumption in EU 15 + Norway + as of 2020 Hungary & Slovakia

* Turkey is included in 2015 & 2016 data

Ethylene Consumption by Derivatives in EU15 + Norway + as of 2020 Hungary & Slovakia (Year 2023)

* Others (ethanol, acetaldehyde, EPDM, EVA, VAM & other derivatives).

Ethylene Consumption by Derivatives in EU15 + Norway + as of 2020 Hungary & Slovakia

As of 2014, VAM is also included in Others.
In 2015 & 2016, “Others” also include ethylene consumption for EO and EDC by Petkim in Turkey

Cracker Feedstocks in EU15 + Norway + as of 2020 Hungary & Slovakia

* Turkey is included in 2015 & 2016 data

Propylene production, consumption and trade balance

The performances of Turkey in terms of capacity, production and consumption have been included since January 2015 in addition to EU 15 and Norway. 

Propylene: Nameplate capacity, Production, Consumption in EU 15 + Norway + as of 2020 Hungary & Slovakia

* Turkey is included in 2015 & 2016 data

Propylene Consumption by Derivatives in EU 15 + Norway + as of 2020 Hungary and Slovalia  (Year 2023)

*Others (including IPA/ACN/2EH/OXO)
*PP (Including Catalloy)

Propylene Consumption by Derivatives in EU15 + Norway + as of 2020 Hungary & Slovakia

C3 consumption for acrylonitrile (since 2010) and Oxo (since 2014) is included in “others”
* Turkey is included in 2015 & 2016 data

Propylene Production by Sources in EU 15 + Norway +  as of 2020 Hungary & Slovakia

* Turkey is included in 2015 & 2016 data

Benzene consumption, production and trade balance

In 2018, Western European benzene consumption (8.270 Kt/y) decreased by 634 Kt compared to 2017, whilst production fell by 9%.
Pyrolisis gasoline remains the first source of supply with 56% of the total, reformatted-based production accounts for 30% and on-purpose and coal-based production around 14%. In 2018, the overall production reached 80% of the nameplate capacity. 

Benzene: Nameplate Capacity, Production, Consumption in EU15 + Norway + as of 2017 Hungary and Slovakia

* East Germany has been included since 1991 

Benzene Consumption by derivatives in EU15 + Norway + Hungary + Slovakia (Year 2023)

* Alkylbenzene, Nitrobenzene and Cyclohexane are included in “Others”

Benzene Consumption by derivatives in EU15 + Norway +  as of 2017 Hungary + Slovakia

*Others include as of 2014 Alkylbenzene, as of 2015 Nitrobenzene and as of 2017 Cyclohexane

Benzene Production by Sources in EU 15 + Norway + as of 2017 Hungary and Slovakia


The European trade balances for ethylenepropylene and benzene and derivatives are shown in the following graph. In 2018, the trade deficit for benzene and derivatives increased by nearly 9%, while the deficit for ethylene and derivatives reduced to reach a trade surplus of 30,000 tons, which means that consumption of ethylene and derivatives and benzene and derivatives has been lower than production. The trade surplus for propylene and derivatives increased by 22% in 2018.

EU 15 + Norway trade balance of petrochemicals derivatives

* In 2015 and 2016, Turkey is also included for Ethylene and Propylene

Source: Cefic, 2023