Uses and Properties

The Methanol Sector Group (MESG) is a trade association bringing together the European manufacturers of methanol.

Methanol is a chemical used in the production of formaldehyde, acetic acid and methyl methacrylate (MMA), and is used as a solvent in many applications. It is also used to produce MTBE (methyl-tert-butyl-ether), which is used as an octane-booster or as a gasoline compound.

Issues and Regulations

REACH Implementation

A “Methanol” REACH Consortium was formed through which manufacturers have joined efforts to prepare by 30 November 2010 the consistent “methanol” registration dossiers.
Project Management: ReachCentrum.


The IPPC Directive codified as Directive 2008/1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control: the MESG is participating in the LVOC BREF review of methanol.

Specific Issues

  • To promote the use of methanol and its first-line derivatives with scientifically sound arguments, taking into full consideration its health and environment aspects.
  • To develop a co-ordinated approach to health, safety, environment and technical issues.
  • To gather market intelligence
  • To exchange views on trade matters

Additional Information

Methanol REACH Consortium press release


Synnoeve Norland, Equinor ASA


Serrien Stany
Sector Group Manager
